Musicians, Your Band Website Is Your Main Stage – How Is Your Performance?

Nowadays, it’s confusing for musicians to figure out what to do with their online presence. Chances are, you will already have too much to focus on, and so is it worth it to spend your remaining energy working on a website? The answer: yes! Your brand website is a chance to represent yourself, your artistic personality and of course, to connect with fans.

I am here to teach you how to perfect your website. Read on to find out more!

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Long Article or Short Article – Which One Is Best?

Long article or short article, it all depends on how much information you are planning to give and how much is enough for your readers. However, both have their pros; some prefer long articles because they are favored by search engines and some prefer short articles because they are easy to read and to the point.

Know your purpose:

Every writer has a purpose when writing an article for a blog or website. It’s not about getting recommended by search

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