Mystery Thriller – Boxed Mysteries in Chester Heights – Plot

Mystery Thriller

GENRE: Mystery Thriller

NAME OF BOOK: Boxed Mysteries in Chester Heights


Two sisters Samantha and Julie, live with their single mother in a small and rather remote town on the outskirts of California the town is known by the name of Chester Heights.

Things remain uneventful, and no one really goes out of their way to change that. Not until one day a long lost uncle arrives on their doorstep hoping to stay a few days as he

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Mystery Thriller – Come As They May – Plot

Come As They May - Plot

GENRE: Mystery Thriller

NAME OF BOOK: Come As They May


On the day of their graduation from college Crystal and Justin’s childhood friendship comes to an end when Crystals class fellow is mysteriously murdered, with the killer on the loose and panic all around friendships and relationships are put under strain, trust vanishes and they decide to part ways, only for them to find each other again four years later when the killer resurfaces and murders another close

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